Over the years I've heard the stories about how famous artists like Van Gogh, would buy used canvases to paint on because it was a cheaper option. Similar to how all musicians that have ever owned a record-able cassette player have used copies of cassette albums they never listen to anymore to record song ideas on to.
And of course, sometimes your first try isn't your best try and you start over. Well this article proves even the old mediums can be like the internet age. Nothing is truly ever erased.
Here's an excerpt:
"When he had an idea, you know, he just had to get it down and realize it," curator Susan Behrends Frank told the AP, revealing Picasso had hurriedly painted over another complete picture. "He could not afford to acquire new canvasses every time he had an idea that he wanted to pursue. He worked sometimes on cardboard because canvass was so much more expensive."
Via: Picasso "The Blue Room" painting reveals hidden man - CBS News: