Universal can now remove content themselves from SoundCloud

Eric (Photo credit: hinkeb)
In the past I have used SoundCloud for song collaboration, and for a while
hosting single releases.

It was great! I had private playlists for songs being worked on to share with
other band members. The track updates would show a timeline, the player made
it so no matter what format you uploaded anyone could play the file.

The thing I liked the best? It counted the files by time, not size.
So a wav file at 4 min was the same amount of space as an mp3 file at 4 min.

Then, they changed the pricing options and all you got for the basic account
was 4 hours.

That filled up pretty fast and I soon moved back to the ease of using Dropbox again.

Now it seems that they are handing the reigns of the company over to Universal
and claiming the big bad record company is removing accounts.

Here's an account of this happening over on Mixmag:
"After being contacted by a user who had been told his account would be closed due to copyright infringements on his radio shows, SoundCloud replied claiming it had no control over the removals.

"Your uploads were removed directly by Universal. This means that SoundCloud had no control over it, and they don't tell us which part of your upload was infringing.

"The control of removing content is completely with Universal. This means I can't tell you why they removed your uploads and not others, and you would really need to ask them that question.""

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